Tuesday, March 18, 2008

First encounters

Last night I went to a rave in Second Life that was part of the Life 2.0 Summit.

Here is the description, but it doesn't begin to suggest the weirdness and the coolness of the experience.

7:00 PM PDT - ? PM PDT
Tuna Oddfellow, Magician
Tuna Oddfellow is one of the hottest multimedia artists and experiential entertainers now working in the metaverse. He's built a huge platform in the sky over CMP's islands, and is waiting to entertain us with a deeply-immersive and mind-bending display of light, music, and ... magic. Landmarks to the venue will be distributed at the amphitheatre.

The way we got to the venue was by flying on giant monarch butterflies, and for some reason, during some of the time I (or, rather, my avatar L1Aura Loire) was dancing, my skirt was missing. The shifting, trippy patterns and colors were all around us as we grooved to a French internet radio station. It may be because I don't get out much these days, but it was a fabulous experience, exciting and innovative, beyond real life, beyond dreams. If you don't know much about Second Life, then this must be quite puzzling. Hopefully this blog will help to explain.

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